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NGV - Bark Ladies: Eleven Artists from Yirrkala

One of the most spiritual experiences I’ve had the honour to be witness and feel. The connection to place and spirit is strong, undeniable and powerful to be in the presence of. I highly commend @ngvmelbourne for bringing us -

Bark Ladies: Eleven Artists from Yirrkala.

This is more than an exhibition, this is a compulsory sensory experience that connects you to heart, ground and spirit. It is so much more than art, it’s storytelling, it’s historically celebrating the land we stand on and the oldest continuing culture of this world. The vibrancy of colour is immense as overwhelming and the floors and roof galaxy are the most wonderous things I’ve seen. I loved hearing about these women and speaking to Senior Curator of Indigenous Art Myles Russell-Cook about the origin, journey and life of this work.

To have such a magnificent exhibition available to experience at a “peak” time, on ground level at the NGV, by Aboriginal women, and free to experience for all is a celebrated and important time for the National Gallery of Victoria - thank you so much.


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