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World Refugee Day 2024

*my thoughts

As you already know, I’ve been a vocal advocate of human rights since, well, if you ask my parents, since I could speak. I always stood up for others and what is fair and right (not for benefit and often to my detriment), and years later not much has changed. It’s WHY I became a lawyer. It’s WHY advocacy/representation ends up playing a role in many of the roles I undertake on screen and off, whether I like it or not, it just is. The driving force behind it is truly wanting to make the world a better and safer place for ALL of us, for we are ONE, and equal determination in that. 

I know the world has felt doom and gloom lately. I’ve really felt that to my core and have struggled to figure out how best to help. If somehow I can show everyone that we are all connected and the same, then maybe we would have more empathy for what is going on in the world right now. Perhaps it is easier to start in our own backyard and our refugees and asylum seekers?

I would love you to support/continue to support a cause that I’ve been championing for many years now as an ambassador for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre @asrc1 who are not funded by governments or big business but yet do the most to help refugees. 

Please call into our annual telethon on Refugee day this Thursday 20 June where once again I will be on the phones to take your call. It’s never too late or too little to help. 

Remember: people help the people. 

*a few people have asked me if I or my parents were also refugees/asylum seekers - the answer is no. Neither of us were and I was born in Australia but that doesn’t mean as immigrants we can’t have empathy or support those who don’t have that privilege/choice.



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